Thing 4
- explain why commenting helps create a sense of community and interaction
- discuss two to other points from the reading about commenting that you found important
- give the name of the seven blogs (5 from our group + 2 others of your choice) you selected to read and comment on then tell why you selected them
- discuss the comments that you chose to make and why you made them
Commenting on different blogs is a wonderful tool because it allows others to ask questions, make statements, and express opinions on different blogs. People that are visiting a blog may want to know more about the topic that is being discussed, by leaving a comment they can find out more information. Without this type of interaction on blogs, it would be extremely difficult for people to have that sense of community on the World Wide Web. One website that I found extremely helpful on commenting was Drake's Takes: Edublogger Etiquette. On this website the author made the comment, "While not public, some bloggers choose to respond to blog comments through private email conversations..." This is a great tip to remember because some bloggers can be more private compared to others. With this in tote, I think that when bloggers do this, it allows them to become closer with their blog viewers, creating an even tighter sense of community. The other blog I greatly enjoyed viewing was the Cool Cat Teacher Blog: How to comment like a king or queen. A few tips that I picked up from this website were: write meaningful comments; if you have written about it, hyperlink it to your post; if you have a blog, share about yourself when you comment; use a comment tracking device. This specific blogger really invested time into her blog, she elaborated on each topic beautifully! I think that it is extremely important to always write meaningful comments because the blogger is going to take time out of their day in order to respond to the comment you have left.Learning 2.0 23 Things Classmates:
- Ashely Irwin
- Thing 3
- Samantha Ebright
- Thing 6
- Brooke Cox
- Favorite Children's Books and Authors
- Morgan Smith
- Thing 4
- Jessamyn Litaker
- Thing 2
- A Cupcake for the Teacher
- "A Mini Sunday Share" Post, September 22, 2013
- 9th comment
- Schoolgirl Style
- Wild Wild Western Classroom Theme
- 15th comment
All of the comments that I have made on each blog I did was not only because I was assigned to, but it was to voice my opinion to other people. I have a problem with speaking to large groups, and I am normally a quiet pupil in class, blogging gives me that strenuous feeling of having a voice. Through these comments I have allowed myself to explain myself without fear. The two blogs that I commented on outside of the classroom had such wonderful and lovely ideas for any classroom that I have become addicted to the pages; I highly recommend that everyone go check A Cupcake for the Teacher and Schoolgirl Style out. I have created a hyperlink under Blogs to Visit for A Cupcake for the Teacher, I have yet to do so for Schoolgirl Style; but there are other websites that I thought would be great for future teachers to check as well. I have greatly enjoyed this assignment and leaving comments on these seven blogs!
I really enjoy how you mentioned other blogs in here. I think that is also another important source for finding other blogs that are related and can also be helpful. Also, I do agree that using private messages is a very good alternative to commenting. I also think that this is a better way to correct someone without embarrassing yourself or the person whose blog you are commenting on.