Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thing 2

Thing 2

Q1. What previous experiences do you have with blogs, reading or writing?

The most experience I have with blogging is what I have posted on Facebook.  I have never created a blog before, so I find this to be a new and exciting experience.  It is like an adventure because I am learning how to operate a new type of social media!

Q2.  How did you decide on your posting name and the name of your blog?

I decided on my posting name by picking something simple, going with my full name.  I decided that the name of my blog should represent what I am using it for, that being my Education 3040 class.

Q3.  What was your experience in creating the blog?  Was it hard for you or easy?  Why?

I had a great experience creating this blog, we all participated in making one inside the classroom, which was a fun, hands on activity.  It was fairly easy to create the blog, all I had to do was follow the step-by-step instructions on "23 Things."  Our professor was also very helpful, she guided us through the steps as well, showing us how to do everything by displaying information on the Smart Board.

Q4.  How does your avatar reflect your personality?  Did you create an avatar that looks like your real self or someone totally different?  Why?

My avatar does not really reflect my personality as much as I would like it to; this is because there were not many options with the creator tools.  My avatar does look like me, because it has the same hair and eye color, but I would have loved to express my personality and character more through it.


  1. This is my first time blogging too. I decided on using my real name and class name to keep it simple. I agree that the in class instruction made the task of creating this very simple.

  2. Your blog is unbelievable beautiful Sym! You have got to show me how to customize mine! You definitely have this part of your things down!
